Thursday, September 23, 2010

It Is Well

"Thankfulness is not a trick to ignore the pain in reality, rather, it keeps worry from interpreting life through a faulty lens."

I recently read this quote and not only did it make me smile, because I know the person that posted it is struggling with feeling joyful in a time of need right now, but it was refreshing for my own life too.

Why is it so easy for us to become caught up in worry? Worrying about the things that are going on around us, the things that aren't going on around us, the things we need and don't have, the things we want and don't have. Worry about how things will work out. Worry about if we are doing the right things. There are a million things people worry about- some not worth worrying over, and other that are extremely worth worrying about.

That's one of the downsides of having a personality that is so focused on the future. My top two strengths on Strengths Quest (a pretty valid personality assessment, even if Point Loma does hammer you over the head with it) are Futuristic and Focus. I'm a dreamer. I'm always looking ahead, always imagining what's next, what could be. When I do finally see what I want, my focus kicks in and I go for it, one step at a time.

Okay I got sidetracked. Small window into my personality. The point is, or was, that it's easy for me to worry about what's to come. To stress over it. To feel hopeless and frustrated when I can't see what's next, or feel like I can't control what happens. I think most people struggle with this though.

And that's where the beauty of needing God comes in. We don't want to be needy or dependent, and yet, isn't that how God created us? To completely and utterly rely on Him? In the good and the bad. Not only are we created to be utterly dependent on God, but dependent on each other as well, even though so many people don't want to. It's not always easy to admit that we can't do things on our own, and rely on another person. And yet we are called to be a people that loves others and provides for those in need. And isn't relying on another person still easier sometimes than relying on God? On the promise that God will provide for us? And the promise that God hears our prayers, cries, and petitions?

I sometimes become numb to the power of prayer and the awesomeness of how God truly HEARS and CARES about what I'm lifting up to him. And that he promises to answer me. Not necessarily in my way or my timing. But that's when I remind myself that I don't know the whole picture. I need to remind myself that God works all things for good.

And we know that in all things God works for the good of those who love him, who have been called according to his purpose.
-Romans 8:28

Lastly, I love this hymn that speaks of how God desires us to be at peace and have the joy of His Spirit no matter the circumstance. Viewing these lyrics with the quote that I started this post with in mind, it reminds me that I'm not called to manipulate my emotions, rather, I am called to not submerge myself in the worries that cause me to view the world in a way that I shouldn't, and to remember that I am and will be loved and cared for by my creator.

When peace like a river

Attendeth my way

When sorrows

Like sea billows roll

Whatever my lot

Thou hast taught me to say

It is well

It is well with my soul

Thanks for reading my blurb, my thoughts and personal reminder to myself to be thankful and not allow worries to affect the way I view things.

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