In case you don't know what Pinterest is yet, it is a virtual pinboard that "let's you organize and share all the beautiful things on the web." Being a part of a generation that is defined by it's ability to have information at it's fingertips through the world wide web means that this is a God-send.
Pinterest allows you to pin images that are on the internet that you want on your virtual pinboard, as well as re-pin images that other Pinterest users have pinned. And you can have as many boards as you like, therefore allowing you to organize your pics by whatever topic you would like (My most pinned-to boards are probably 'My Closet Wants It', 'Eat & Be Merry', and 'For The Home').
My food board, 'Eat & Be Merry', has allowed me to come across SO many recipes that I otherwise would never have seen. I don't have to search for recipes, I can re-pin others' recipe pins, or if I come across a recipe online that I like, on a blog let's say, I can pin that. I cook so much more often than I would without Pinterest, because I can collect and access amazing recipes with just a few clicks.
The shopper in me loves pinning clothing that I otherwise would not be able to buy. This has allowed me to better understand what my style really is so that shopping is easier. Not to mention online shopping, as I can just click on the pin and it links to the website where the item is available. The only danger with this is I have to remind myself to be grateful for what I have instead of always lusting after that beautiful top or dress that I pinned earlier. But such is life.
I have made boards of wish-lists, gift ideas, DIY (Do-It-Yourself) project ideas, inspiring photography, art, food, wedding inspiration, you name it. It's a great way to find, access, and share just about anything.
And no, I am not on the Pinterest advertising team- I just really, really love Pinterest, like so many others out there, and want to share the joy with those of you who have been thinking, "What the duck is a Pinterest?" Although, if you're reading my blog, then you probably already know what Pinterest is.
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