Tonight I got to visit with my lovely friend Hillary. We hangout every Thanksgiving and Christmas, sometimes other times as well. Hillary goes to school in Nashville, TN. But before she transferred out there, we lived across the hall from each other as baby freshies at Point Loma. We instantly became good friends, and despite the distance, we've been good friends ever since. Even though we don't get to talk much between visits, hanging out with Hillary always feels like there's never been any time apart. She is one of the sweetest people I know. On the rainy, night drive home I was thinking about how spending time with quality best friends just feeds my soul. To know that someone really gets you, and loves you, to laugh about things, catch up, bond over a cup of coffee, or a favorite store. Today I am truly grateful for the close and dear friends that I do have. Here are the friends that have fed my soul lately. Thank you. :)
This is an old picture of Hillary and I on one of our hangouts at Victoria Gardens.
This is my one of my oldest and dearest friends Lauren right before she got married.

This is my sweet sister.

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