It's Thanksgiving Week! Last year I attempted to post one thing I was grateful for every day in the month of November. This year I'm being a little less ambitious- I am going to post something I'm grateful for every day this week. I think recognizing the things in our life that we are grateful for on a regular basis, whether we are 'feeling' grateful or not, will lead to a greater sense of contentment in life. Not mention we owe our gratitude to God!
Today I am grateful for our living situation. Alan and I have been married for 3 months now. We have been living with my parents in their house ever since we were married. This is difficult for us to admit sometimes, however the more I think about it and pray about it, the more and more grateful I have become. It has been very difficult in this economy for Alan to find a job. Being able to live with my parents rent-free has been such a huge financial blessing for us. Not only this, but we have run into pretty much zero living conflicts with my parents. The house is laid out in such a way that we have our own space and they have theirs. But most of all, I am grateful for this time that we get to share with them. We don't know where the future will lead us, and if it leads us away from them, I will sure miss them a lot. Being able to spend time with them and live life as an adult with them has been such a blessing.
So would we like our own place? Of course! But I am going to choose to focus on being grateful for the blessing that our current living situation is, rather than on what it could be. Because it could be so much worse.