I know that Thanksgiving is over, but there are so many things I am grateful for right now! I LOVE December and all the little things that work together to make up the spirit and season that leads to Christmas. Here are some things that have been making me happy lately...
My Rudolph chapstick- Target- $1. They have the other characters from the original Rudolph as well!

My new Starbucks Jonathan Adler ceramic mug with lid. Made getting up this morning that much easier.

Seasonal flavored creamers.

My new mousepad/notepad. The one in the picture has an M, but mine has a K with a print of a koala wearing a crown. It's great.

The hand-illustrated Christmas cards I ordered from the greatest place called Rifle Paper Co. Their hand-done illustrations are great and they even do custom ones! Check it out.

Shopping online for Christmas presents. I've never been much of an online shopper, but wow, it makes it so much easier. And the shipping fees don't really bother me much if I can get all my Christmas shopping done at once without even leaving my chair. Especially when shopping from stores that aren't very close to home.

Listening to Sufjans Stevens Songs for Christmas. This is my favorite CD ever, no matter what season it is. Slightly eclectic christmas music that also has beautiful hymns, including my favorite, "Come Thou Fount". This is one of the songs we sang at my baptism :)

Treehouses. The inner child in me wants to live in a modern treehouse someday. How peaceful and beautiful it would be to live in the trees with all the wonderful natural wood. Mmm. I like this one.

The Anthropologist.
A site that is a part of/owned by Anthropolgie. I'd describe it to you but I will quote, because I think they desribe what it is better...
"The Anthropologist is an online space for inspiring works and inspiring individuals.
It is a testament to the idea that revealing the passions and pursuits of one person can result in the progress of many.
Our premise is simple: we illuminate those who move us in order to move you. We champion the idea that sharing sources of creativity in turn kindles it."
I completely agree with this. I feel like I have been so inspired, and would not have the same creativity that I have, without being able to see the creative work and ambition of others. That is probably what I love the most about the blogging world. There are so many creative individuals that desire to share that creativity with the community, that reach out to share the joy of art, creating, and design with others. I love when people are willing to share and help others within their industry and community rather than see them as merely competition. Here are a few blogs that often inspire me... (Click on the icon for the link)

Stephanie Fay Photography blog

Most of all, I am grateful that our cat, Indie (aka "the boy"), who was attacked by a coyote a couple nights ago, is okay. Unless you know my family and this cat (which you most likely do if you're reading this blog), you probably won't understand how much this cat means to us. He is a sweet, fat, spoiled cat with so much personality and so much love for us all. My dad saw the coyote and I found Indie laying on the ground outside, bleeding to death. We rushed him to the animal clinic and got him all fixed up. Thankfully there were only a few external wounds and some impact trauma. We think the fact that he was so fat is what kept the coyote from running off with him. I guess being fat can save your life every once in awhile, at least if you're a cat. Now he's just healing and very slowly becoming himself again. I think the emotional trauma of it all has scarred him for awhile, because he's not acting like himself at all. Anyways, now my boyfriend and dad are set on shooting coyotes from our backyard with a shotgun. Here is a picture of the sweet, beloved boy.