I have decided to enter the world of blogging. I've been inspired as of late after coming across so many creative blogs. I decided to start my own, as a place that I can compile my thoughts, pictures of things that inspire me, things I love, and to share with people about myself and what's going on in my life. In case you don't already know me, my name is Katie and I am currently living in San Diego, and coming upon my last semester at Point Loma Nazarene University. My major is graphic design, which I love, however I am looking into doing event planning which I think fits well with my skills and is something that I would love doing. I love design, art, living by the beach, my quiet times with Jesus, planning, my boyfriend Alan <3, and chocolate chip cookie dough, just for starters.
I just finished a couple paintings for my painting class that I really loved making and love the end result. I had never painted much before this class, but it is so therapeutic and so much fun! Here are some pictures of the biggest one I did, that I'm giving to my parents as a Christmas gift for their new house. I don't have any pictures of the second one yet, but it's a bit smaller and is similar but has a different composition and the color purple instead of red. It's my Christmas gift for my sister. I love receiving and giving creative/personal gifts!

That's all I've got. I have one final left this week and then I'm done with the semester! I CANNOT wait to go home and be with family, and enjoy the Christmas season at home, with no school stress, and hangout with Alan this weekend stress-free!